The Campus Kitchen at Auburn University
"Fighting food waste and hunger in the East Central Alabama community."
Our mission
Fighting food waste and hunger all at once by recovering excess food from on-campus dining halls and serving nutritious meals to those in need. Our student-led 501(c)3 non-profit organization is dedicated to empowering volunteers and promoting sustainability in Auburn's community and the broader Lee County area.
With the support of the Office of Public Service in University Outreach, we are empowered to effect positive change through our dedicated team of volunteers. Our collective efforts have resulted in the recovery of over 160,746 pounds of food and the provision of more than 153,400 meals to members of both Auburn University and Lee County. We remain committed to our mission and look forward to continuing our impactful work in the future.
- 2022 - 2023
- Pounds of Food Recovered
- 21,629
- Meals Served
- 21,447
- Hours of Service
- 3,105
- Unique Volunteers
- 300+

Fork hunger!
Volunteer with us
Our work wouldn't be possible without the support of our amazing team of volunteers. Volunteer with us to recover excess food from campus dining halls and serve nutritious meals to those in need. If you're ready to roll up your sleeves and join the fight against hunger, click the link below to explore our volunteer opportunities and sign up today!
Our History
Forking hunger is what we do
The Campus Kitchen at Auburn University has experienced significant growth since our chartering in 2011. Resulting in the ability to empower more volunteers, develop sustainable practices, and create positive change in the community.
Chartered Organization
CKAU was chartered as a student organization at Auburn University. Operations began by serving 70 meals per week at the food pantry of Auburn United Methodist Church.
UNWFP Affiliated
CKAU became an affiliated organization of the UNWFP.
"Kitchen of the Year"
Auburn's chapter was among eight individuals or campus chapters recognized at the Food Waste and Hunger Summit, where they earned the "Kitchen of the Year" Award in the Campus Kitchens Project network.
100,000 Meals Delivered
Since 2011, CKAU has delivered over 100,000 meals to those in the East Central Alabama communities.